Personality Blends

Personality blends are a combination of the individual's top two dominant personality types, Like individual personality types, blends can be used to predict preferences, strengths and compatibility. They are, however, the most elaborated and synthesized description of an individual, and thus, the highest degree of personalization.

Blends are available for assessments that measure multiple aspects of personality rather than just two poles and the spectrum. For example, our Careers and Heroes assessment results will offer blends, whereas our Introvert/Extrovert and Persuasion assessments offer just one main personality type.

Example Response

"personality_blend": {
  "personality_type_1": {
    "id": "55071620-bca6-4f15-b466-de8733a834a8",
    "name": "Visionary",
    "description": "'Visionaries'...are pioneers.  They are great convincers and like to work with others in a 'take charge' capacity.  They love to take risks, make changes and set trends.  They tend to be   ambitious and energetic.  Visionaries are often in positions of prominence in business and the public eye and excel at taking charge and gaining the confidence of others.",
    "badge": {
      "image_small": "",
      "image_medium": "",
      "image_large": "",
      "font_color": "",
      "color_1": "b857e5",
      "color_2": "",
      "color_3": ""
    "keywords": "leading, managing, selling, trend-setting, persuading, competing, moving forward, extroversion",
    "details": [],
    "environments": [],
    "famous_people": []
  "personality_type_2": {
    "id": "5f36d2be-d06f-4f11-9450-e749e5fc19d6",
    "name": "Analyzer",
    "description": "'Analyzers'...are inquisitive.  They delve, study and look deeply for information.  They have a keen eye and an experimental nature.  Analyzers use these capacities to figure out problems and search for the facts, often in a laboratory environment.  They excel at going beyond the surface toward uncovering information and discovery.",
    "badge": {
      "image_small": "",
      "image_medium": "",
      "image_large": "",
      "font_color": "",
      "color_1": "17AEE7",
      "color_2": "",
      "color_3": ""
    "keywords": "investigating, solving, researching, delving, examining, discovering, introversion",
    "details": [],
    "environments": [],
    "famous_people": []
  "name": "Visionary/Analyzer",
  "description": "You are drawn to others who share your interest and curiosity in the world.  A natural leader and full of ambition, you're often the one presenting the paper that others have come to hear.  Others look up to you and follow your lead. You are a deep thinker, and you enjoy learning new things.  You also always have a suggestion for something new that you want to check out or learn about, and your friends appreciate getting new ideas from you.  You are happiest when surrounded by other people, and you thrive when you are out in the world.  However, you also enjoy a quiet evening at home with several close friends, full of invigorating discussion and deep thinking.",
  "personality_group": null,
  "keywords": null,
  "details": [
      "title": "Complement",
      "body": "You like to work with other Analyzers who share your intellectual interests.  You also appreciate working with your Planners because as the person who brings the 'big ideas,' you rely on your Planner colleagues to take care of and remember the details.  You and your Planner coworkers make the perfect team, working in tandem to cover all aspects of a project."
      "title": "Conflict",
      "body": "As a natural leader and a rational person, you are fortunate in that you work well with all types of colleagues.  However, you may find that if there are too many other Visionaries on your team, you get the feeling that there are 'too many cooks in the kitchen.'  This can be frustrating for you and those on your team as they may be confused about whom to follow.\r\nYou may also find that you have to adjust your leadership style for your Action-Taker colleagues.  You tend to think before you act, and your Action-Taker colleagues are just the opposite, sometimes making their work style difficult for you to understand."
  "environments": [
      "id": "9be8bcde-ede6-4c2d-91c7-ce5baec62e7e",
      "name": "Allows for independent study and peer collaboration",
      "description": "",
      "personality_type": null,
      "active": true,
      "created_at": 1409256158085
  "famous_people": []

Reference Guide

See below our reference guide for all data fields returned for "Personality Blends."

blend_name name of personality blend
type_1 blend personality type 1
type_2 blend personality type 2
description general description of personality blend
complement description of types that complement the personality blend
conflict description of types that conflict with the personality blend
environments environments that best fit each personality blend
famous_people list of famous people that match each personality type
badge visual element for each personality type

Render your Blend with our Visual Widgets

Traitify's Widgets enable you to visualize your personality results instantly. Below is a preview of our Blend Widget. You have the flexibility to re-arrange any of these elements.

Personality Conflicts + Complements

As part of each Personality Blend, our API provides individual descriptions for the sum of both Personality Types. Conflicts and Complements helps each of your end user understand their personality types with information about what type of personalities conflicts or complements them.

Example Response

"details": [
    "title": "Complement",
    "body": "You like to work with other Analyzers who share your intellectual interests.  You also appreciate working with your Planners because as the person who brings the 'big ideas,' you rely on your Planner colleagues to take care of and remember the details.  You and your Planner coworkers make the perfect team, working in tandem to cover all aspects of a project."
    "title": "Conflict",
    "body": "As a natural leader and a rational person, you are fortunate in that you work well with all types of colleagues.  However, you may find that if there are too many other Visionaries on your team, you get the feeling that there are 'too many cooks in the kitchen.'  This can be frustrating for you and those on your team as they may be confused about whom to follow.\r\nYou may also find that you have to adjust your leadership style for your Action-Taker colleagues.  You tend to think before you act, and your Action-Taker colleagues are just the opposite, sometimes making their work style difficult for you to understand."

Render Conflicts + Complements

Our API provides you with rich visual assets to render your raw data into beautiful designs. From "What Brightens Your Day" (Complement) to "What Clouds Your Day" (Conflict).

Sun icon

What Brightens Your Day

You work well with your Inventor colleagues who share your creative mind and your ability to work in a sometimes chaotic work environment. When you get together, the ideas start to flow, and you feel inspired by putting your minds together. You also like to work with other Mentors who share your passion.

Cloud icon

What Clouds Your Day

You pride yourself in getting along with all types of people and are fortunate in that you work well with everyone. You may find, however, that you have to adjust your style for your Action-Taker colleagues. You prefer to work on teams with regular meetings and communication, while Action-Takers like to work on solitary projects.

Personality Environments

The Psychology behind each one of Traitify's Personality Assessments enables us to match each of your users unique personality blend to environments where they can thrive.

Example Response

"environments": [
    "id": "c2f23acf-76e8-4bf3-a96e-88829e1d0b87",
    "name": "Outlines clear goals to be accomplished",
    "description": "",
    "personality_type": null

Render Personality Environments

Let your users Personality thrive within unique environments that match their personality!

Building icon

Your ideal environment:

  • Is Creative
  • Offers opportunity for career advancement
  • Is Fast-paced
  • Offers tangible results
  • Outlines clear goals to be accomplished

Famous People

Match your users unique personality traits to "Famous People" with Traitify's Personality API.

Example Response

"famous_people": [
    "id": "afe97aff-91a2-492f-b88f-bf650bfc3545",
    "name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
    "description": "American computer programmer and co-founder of Facebook",
    "picture": ""

Render Famous People Results

Traitify's API brings high resolution photos for each "Famous People" match.

  • Carl Sagon
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Henry Ford
  • Jane Goodall
  • Jeff Bezos